Hi everyone!! The period of time to explore, connect, and treasure – Summer. And indeed, the appropriate weather for all kinds of stripes (although stripes are kind of an all-year-long thing haha). As you guys might know from my Instagram or Snapchat, we’ve been traveling a lot these few weeks and I’m trying to keep up with updates here on the blog and begin to roll out some content! I love going to Malibu, there’s the ocean, as well as a winery. We’ve known about this incredible place awhile ago, and I regret not coming here sooner. Although the weather shifts massively, like it’ll be bright and sunny, and the next thing you’ll know it’s completely gloomy, Jerry and I still had a great time enjoying local wine and meeting all the furry friends that live here. So much cuteness!
7 FOR ALL MANKIND Shirt Dress – worn as jacket (also available here // here)
7 FOR ALL MANKIND Jeans (more options here)